Early Stage Investing | TREBEL | Going Public®

Going Public®

Logo of TREBEL


Offering ended on Apr 4, 2022


  • 5.2M
    Grew monthly active users to 4.7M in Mexico alone (as of Q1 2022). From 3.6M to 5.2M users since 2021
  • $4.4M
    Nearly doubled revenue from $2.3M in 2020 to $4.4M in 2021
  • New Agreements
    Signed strategic agreements with brands all over North America
  • Opened 4 new markets in 2021
    Live in 5 countries - Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia and United States.
  • Significant Private Investment
    Taken in significant private investment from Grisi Family Trust, from Chris Burch, MNC Media - the largest media company in Indonesia. 
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The pursuit of healthier, happier living